Functional proteomics and molecular pharmacology of pediatric cancers

Functional genomicsof pediatric cancers

Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC)
MDC and Charité Berlin
Research focus of the Henssen Lab


Personalized therapeutic targeting of specific tumor vulnerabilities

Personalized therapeutic targeting of specific tumor vulnerabilities

One of the major clinical challenges in these tumors is to identify tumor specific vulnerabilities that can be therapeutically targeted. The lab focuses on understanding the underlying genetic reasons/ mutations that cause such therapeutic vulnerabilities.

DNA circularization as an oncogenic driver of genomic instability in pediatric cancer

DNA circularization as an oncogenic driver of genomic instability in pediatric cancer

In recent years it has become apparent that the genomes of pediatric cancers are more complex than previously anticipated. One phenomenon observed in pediatric cancers is the circularization of DNA.

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Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung Emmy Noether Programm erc-logo DKH_Logo_RGB_640x360px_72dpi_Website-1
We Are Henssen Research Group

Meet Two Of Us

Our group of physicians and scientists in the Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology at the Charité Universitätsmedizin is particularly interested in understanding how refractory neuroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma are formed. Our research is focused on the phenomenon of genomic plasticity and its resultant therapeutically targetable vulnerabilities.

Check our Team

Lotte BrücknerPhD student (MDC)

Andy Qinghao YuPost-doctoral research fellow


Our Publications